
My Wife

Busy moms are always in need of encouragement and help as they manage their households and, in many cases, work outside the home. Loving, nurturing and caring for children, not to mention a husband, is an honorable and noble calling - and an exhausting one.

My own wife has been, and continues to be, a champ at this and I am grateful to God for her. Even though our daughter is married and our son is off to college, she still is swingin' away at the mom stuff - she's great at it!

She has always had a heart for this, and not just in her own life, but she wants to encourage other moms as they live out their calling as wife and mother. To this end, she has started a new blog called living in a manner worthy . . . At this new blog my wife leads the interested moms through a book she's reading and pulls out the meaty bits for them. This way the busy ladies can read some encouragement, and be challenged, without feeling like they have to find time to read a whole book. It's a great idea and already is ministering to several moms.

I just wanted to say I'm very proud of my wife!!

1 comment:

SarahM said...

I'm proud of your wife, too, and you - I appreciate you writing this, and I'm sure she does as well.
Love you Dad. Thanks for being so nurturing! ;-)